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The Farmers Daughter


In 2014, we embarked on our farming journey, complementing Brittany's father's certified organic dairy offerings at the market. Brittany's connection to the dairy world and Jason's passion for produce culminated in "Farmer's Daughter Organics," named after Brittany and a nod to her heritage. As we evolved, embracing changes like bidding farewell to the dairy and nurturing a love for growing produce, our dream of farming persisted. With two sons, Josiah and Ezra, our focus shifted temporarily, but now, as they grow older, we're reviving our aspiration to sustain our family from our ancestral land — upholding a legacy spanning six generations.


Acquiring Brittany's Aunt and Uncle's farm, known as Keeper Creek Farm, added another layer to our heritage. This land once belonged to Brittany's great-grandfather, where her Granny and numerous siblings cultivated a range of produce to nourish their family. The tradition lives on through us, as we continue the legacy begun by our families, nurtured by our relatives through the berry farm, and now shared with our children. We're constantly adapting and expanding, open to your input on what you'd like us to grow!


We cherish the Earth as a precious gift, recognizing its significance as emphasized in the Bible. Our goal is to steward this gift to the best of our abilities. We maximize our land through crop rotation, succession planting, companion planting, and cover crops. Our commitment to organic farming results in occasional challenges like weeds and pests, which we address through innovative practices like high tunnels and meticulously crafted cardboard beds layered with organic soil. We don't critique other farming methods; this is simply how we choose to operate. We seek to connect with customers who share our values and appreciate our approach.

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Visit our website to learn more about our products, upcoming events, and more!

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